Monday 24 May 2021

Comparing Bits And Pieces Unit Test Answer Key

  • The Harrison Street School. When is Langston reunited with his father for a short while? His mother and he move to Mexico City. How is Mary Langston a proud woman? She refuses to cook, clean, or wash for rich white families. This section contains 4,...

  • However, writing comprehensive and fast unit tests for these APIs has been troublesome. The release of the Spring MVC Test framework gave us the possibility to write unit tests which are readable, comprehensive and fast. During this blog post we...
  • Because the first part of this tutorial described the principles which we should follow when we are configuring the application context of our application, this issue is not discussed in this blog post. However, there is one thing that we have to address here. The application context configuration class or file which configures the web layer of our example application does not create an exception resolver bean. The SimpleMappingExceptionResolver class used in the earlier parts of this tutorial maps exception class name to the view which is rendered when the configured exception is thrown. This behavior is provided by the ResponseStatusExceptionResolver class which is enabled by default. Our example application also has a custom exception handler class which is annotated with the ControllerAdvice annotation.
  • This class handles validation errors and application specific exceptions. We will talk more about this class later in this blog post. These components are described in the second part of this tutorial. We can get this information by reading my blog post which describes how we can write clean assertions with JsonPath. Next we will see the Spring MVC Test framework in action and write unit tests for the following controller methods: The first controller methods returns a list of todo entries. The second controller method returns the information of a single todo entry. The third controller method adds a new todo entry to the database and returns the added todo entry.
  • Get Todo Entries The first controller method returns a list of todo entries which are found from the database. It gets a list of Todo objects by calling the findAll method of the TodoService interface. This method returns all todo entries which are stored to the database. These todo entries are always returned in the same order. It transforms the received list into a list of TodoDTO objects. It returns the list which contains TodoDTO objects. The relevant part of the TodoController class looks as follows: import org. Controller; import org. ArrayList; import java. Test: Todo Entries Are Found We can write an unit test for this controller method by following these steps: Create the test data which is returned when the findAll method of the TodoService interface is called.
  • SpringJUnit4ClassRunner; import org. WebAppConfiguration; import org. MockMvc; import java. Arrays; import static org. It obtains the requested todo entry by calling the findById method of the TodoService interface and passes the id of the requested todo entry as a method parameter. This method returns the found todo entry. If no todo entry is found, this method throws a TodoNotFoundException. It returns the created TodoDTO object. The source code of our controller method looks as follows: import org. Our example application has an exception handler class which handles application specific exceptions thrown by our controller classes. This class has an exception handler method which is called when a TodoNotFoundException is thrown. The implementation of this method writes a new log message to the log file and ensures that the HTTP status code is send back to the client. The relevant part of the RestErrorHandler class looks as follows: import org.
  • Logger; import org. LoggerFactory; import org. HttpStatus; import org. ControllerAdvice; import org. ExceptionHandler; import org. We have to write a test which verifies that the correct data is returned to the client when the todo entry is found. Test 1: Todo Entry Is Not Found First, we must ensure that our application is working properly when a todo entry is not found. We can write an unit test which ensures this by following these steps: Configure our mock object to throw a TodoNotFoundException when its findById method is called and the id of the requested todo entry is 1L. Ensure that the findById method of the TodoService interface is called only once by using the correct method parameter 1L. Verify that no other methods of the TodoService interface are called during this test. MockMvc; import static org. We can write a test which ensures this by following these steps: Create the Todo object which is returned when our service method is called.
  • We create this object by using our test data builder. Configure our mock object to return the created Todo object when its findById method is called by using a method parameter 1L. Verify that the other methods of our mock object are not called during the test. It validates the TodoDTO object given as a method parameter. It Adds a new todo entry to the database by calling the add method of the TodoService interface and passes the TodoDTO object as a method parameter. This method adds a new todo entry to the database and returns the added todo entry. It returns the TodoDTO object. Length; import org. The title of a todo entry cannot be empty. The maximum length of the title is characters.
  • If the validation fails, our error handler component ensures that The HTTP status code is returned to the client. The validation errors are returned to the client as a JSON document. Because I have already written a blog post which describes how we can add validation to a REST API, the implementation of the error handler component is not discussed in this blog post. However, we need to know what kind of a JSON document is returned to the client if the validation fails. This information is given in the following. In other words, the field errors are returned in random order. We have to take this into account when we are writing unit tests for this controller method. We have to write a test which ensures that our application is working properly when a new todo entry is added to the database.
  • Test 1: Validation Fails Our first test ensures that our application is working properly when the validation of the added todo entry fails. We can write this test by following these steps: Create a title which has characters. Create a description which has characters. Create a new TodoDTO object by using our test data builder. Set the title and the description of the object. Verify that the methods of our mock object are not called during our test. These methods are described in the following: The createStringWithLength int length method creates a new String object with the given length and returns the created object. The convertObjectToJsonBytes Object object method converts the object given as a method parameter into a JSON document and returns the content of that document as a byte array. The source code of the TestUtil class looks as follows: import com.
  • Beginning Provide an image and a definition for the following words in students' home language L1 and English L2 : "topic," "author," "perspective," "information," and "source. Draw a Venn diagram on chart paper and label one side "text one" and the other side "text two. Write three or more facts in each section of the Venn diagram i. Keep the text displayed while you complete the Venn diagram as a reference for students. Beginning Define any unfamiliar terms found in the text in L1 and L2.
  • Simplify the texts for students using a resources such as rewordify. Intermediate Provide bilingual resources such as an online dictionary such as wordsmyth. Guided Practice 10 minutes Display the text portion of the Historical Heroes: Cesar Chavez worksheet and read it aloud to students as they silently follow along. Show students the mini video biography about Cesar Chavez and have them take notes on scratch paper as they watch. Remind students to look for similarities and differences between the text and the video.
  • Give students a few minutes with an elbow partner to discuss the similarities and differences they noticed between the text and the video. Draw a Venn diagram on chart paper and label one side "text" and one side "video. Record their answers on the Venn diagram. Have students read the two passages to themselves before filling in their own Venn diagrams, comparing the details of the texts. Circulate and offer support as needed. Beginning Allow ELs to complete the worksheet in partnerships. Lower the linguistic load of the independent work texts by simplifying them using a resource such as rewordify. Intermediate Allow students to compare and contrast verbally to a partner before writing it down.
  • Highlight the texts with certain colors to show similarities and differences i. Differentiation Support: Highlight or underline key points as you read text aloud to students during explicit instruction and guided practice so that students have visual support as they choose details to include in the Venn diagram. Use texts about a topic that students are familiar with, like pets, so that they can practice the skills learned without the burden of new information. Enrichment: Have students apply the skills learned to compare two texts written about a topic of their choice. Have students choose a social studies or science topic, like the California Gold Rush. Then, have them compare the information in their textbook to a primary source document. Assessment 20 minutes Split the class up into an even number of groups with about 4—5 students per group. Give two groups the same topic e. Allow all groups a few minutes to develop their scenes. Bring two groups with identical topics to the front of the room.
  • Have one group step out of the classroom as the other group performs. Then have the second group perform while the first group steps out. Invite all students to discuss the similarities and differences between the scenes. Remind them to discuss the facts that were presented, not their personal judgement of the performances i. Repeat with other groups as time permits. Beginning Give beginning ELs a less complicated topic to act out, such as "things to do at recess" or "going to the movies.
  • Performance Patterns Unit testing should not just be concerned with function but also with form. How efficiently does the code under test perform its function? How fast? How much memory does it use? Does it trade off data insertion for data retrieval effectively? Does it free up resources correctly? These are all things that are under the purview of unit testing. By including performance patterns in the unit test, the implementer has a goal to reach, which results in better code, a better application, and a happier customer. The basic types of performance that can be measured are: Memory usage physical, cache, virtual Resource handle utilization Disk utilization physical, cache Algorithm Performance insertion, retrieval, indexing, and operation Note that some languages and operating systems make this information difficult to retrieve.
  • For example, the C language with its garbage collection is rather difficult to work with in regards to measuring memory utilization. Also, in order to achieve meaningful metrics, this pattern must often be used in conjunction with the Simple-Test-Data pattern so that the metric can measure an entire dataset. Note that just-in-time compilation makes performance measurements difficult, as do environments that are naturally unstable, most notably networks. Process Patterns Unit testing is intended to test, well, units It can be argued that testing processes should be relegated to the acceptance test procedures, however I don't buy into this argument. A process is just a different type of unit. Testing processes with a unit tester provide the same advantages as other unit testing--it documents the way the process is intended to work and the unit tester can aid the implementer by also testing the process out of sequence, rapidly identifying potential user interface issues as well.
  • The term "process" also includes state transitions and business rules, both of which must be validated. The Process-Sequence Pattern This pattern verifies the expected behavior when the code is performed in sequence, and it validates that problems when code is executed out of sequence are properly trapped. The Process-Sequence pattern also applies to the Data-Transaction pattern--rather than forcing a rollback, resetting the dataset, or loading in a completely new dataset, a process can build on the work of the previous step, improving performance and maintainability of the unit test structure.
  • The Process-State Pattern The concept of state cannot be decoupled from that of process. The whole point of managing state is so that the process can transition smoothly from one state to another, performing any desired activity. Especially in "stateless" systems such as web applications, the concept of state as in the state of the session is important to test. To accomplish this without a complicated client-server setup and manual actions requires a unit tester that can understand states and allowable transitions and possibly also work with mock objects to simulate complicated client-server environments. The Process-Rule Pattern This test is similar to the Code-Path pattern--the intention is to verify each business rule in the system. To implement such a test, business rules really need to be properly decoupled from surrounding code--they cannot be embedded in the presentation or data access layers. As I state elsewhere, this is simply good coding, but I'm constantly amazed at how much code I come across that violates these simple guidelines, resulting in code that is very difficult to test in discrete units.
  • Note that here is another benefit of unit testing--it enforces a high level of modularity and decoupling. Mock objects also have the ability to create failure conditions that are very difficult to reproduce in the real world--a lossy connection, a slow server, a failed network hub, etc. However, to properly use mock objects the code must make use of certain factory patterns to instantiate the correct instance--either the real thing or the simulation. All too often I have seen code that creates a database connection and fires off an SQL statement to a database, all embedded in the presentation or business layer! This kind of code makes it impossible to simulate without all the supporting systems--a preconfigured database, a database server, a connection to the database, etc. Furthermore, testing the result of the data transaction requires another transaction, creating another failure point. As much as possible, a unit test should not in itself be subject to failures outside of the code it is trying to test.
  • Mock-Object Pattern In order to properly use mock objects, a factory pattern must be used to instantiate the service connection, and a base class must be used so that all interactions with the service can be managed using virtual methods. Yes, alternatively, Aspect Oriented Programming practices can be used to establish a pointcut, but AOP is not available in many languages.
  • The basic model is this: To achieve this construct, a certain amount of foresight and discipline is needed in the coding process. Classes need to be abstracted, objects must be constructed in factories rather than directly instantiated in code, facades and bridges need to be used to support abstraction, and data transactions need to be extracted from the presentation and business layers. These are good programming practices to begin with and result in a more flexible and modular implementation. The flexibility to simulate and test complicated transactions and failure conditions gains a further advantage to the programmer when mock objects are used.
  • A baker cut a pie in half. He cut each half into 3 equal pieces and each piece into 2 equal slices. He sold 6 slices. What fraction of the pie did the baker sell? Question 5. Andy cut a tuna sandwich and a chicken sandwich into a total of 15 same-size pieces. He cut the tuna sandwich into 9 more pieces than the chicken sandwich. Andy ate 8 pieces of the tuna sandwich. What fraction of the tuna sandwich did he eat? There is a total of 15 same-size pieces. Question 6. Luke threw balls into these buckets at a carnival. The number on the bucket gives the number of points for each throw.
  • Work on practice problems below and on the back. Then check for answers on Ms. Practice Problems 1. Name the point to which the arrow is pointing in fraction AND decimal form. If the ratio of minutes spent on homework to the number of weeknights is to 5, what is the unit rate of homework per night? The ratio of students with blonde hair to total students in the class is 8 to What fraction of the class is blonde? What percent is blonde? What fraction of the class is not blonde? What percent is not blonde? Write each of the following ratios as a fraction, decimal and percent. Ratio Fraction 23 of 25 days were sunny 21 of 28 questions were correct 5. Arrange these numbers from least to greatest: 6. Arrange these numbers from least to greatest: Decimal Percent 7. Explain your reasoning. For each set of numbers, circle the values that are equivalent. Below are two enlarged pictures of a turtle pin and a centimeter ruler.
  • Write the length of the turtle to the closest tenth of a centimeter. How long is the turtle in millimeters? There are 10 millimeters in a centimeter. Related documents.
  • This allows you to distinguish between the two when they use the same letter. As an example, one mW milliwatt does not equal one MW megawatt. As you'll see in the Bits and Bytes section , there is also some confusion with k and K when dealing with the binary base 2 prefixes. Conversion The beautiful thing about these metric prefixes is that, once you get the hang of conversion between a few of them, translating that ability to all the other prefixes is easy. As a first simple example, lets translate 1 Ampere A into smaller values. A milliampere is 1 thousandth of the unit Ampere hence 1 Ampere is equal to milliamperes. Going further, 1 milliampere is equivalent to microamperes and so on.
  • Going in the opposite direction, 1 Ampere is. Now that's a lot of current! As you may have noticed, switching between prefixes is the same as moving the decimal point over by 3 places. This is also the same as multiplying or dividing by When you're going up to a larger prefix, from Kilo to Mega for example, the decimal place is moved three places to the left. Mega is the prefix right above Kilo so regardless of whether we are talking about Watts, Amperes, Farads, or whatever unit, the movement of the decimal place by three positions to the left still works when moving up a prefix. When moving down a prefix, let's say from nano- to pico-, the decimal place is moved three places to the right.
  • History[ edit ] Kent Beck developed extreme programming during his work on the Chrysler Comprehensive Compensation System C3 payroll project. He began to refine the development methodology used in the project and wrote a book on the methodology Extreme Programming Explained, published in October For example, the "practice of test-first development, planning and writing tests before each micro-increment" was used as early as NASA's Project Mercury , in the early s.
  • A NASA independent test group can write the test procedures, based on formal requirements and logical limits, before programmers write the software and integrate it with the hardware. XP takes this concept to the extreme level, writing automated tests sometimes inside software modules which validate the operation of even small sections of software coding, rather than only testing the larger features. Two major influences shaped software development in the s: Internally, object-oriented programming replaced procedural programming as the programming paradigm favored by some developers.

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