Monday 24 May 2021

White Box Testing Interview Questions And Answers Pdf

  • Test cases are made by the internal details of a program. Designing tests early in the life cycle prevent defects from being in the main code. There are three types of defects: Wrong, missing, and extra. Wrong: These defects are occurred due to...

  • Simultaneous test design and execution against an application is called exploratory testing. In this testing, the tester uses his domain knowledge and testing experience to predict where and under what conditions the system might behave...
  • The user acceptance testing is testing performed concerning the user needs, requirements, and business processes to determine whether the system satisfies the acceptance criteria or not. Operational acceptance testing: An operational acceptance testing is performed before the product is released in the market. But, it is performed after the user acceptance testing. Contract and regulation acceptance testing: In the case of contract acceptance testing, the system is tested against certain criteria and the criteria are made in a contract.
  • In the case of regulation acceptance testing, the software application is checked whether it meets the government regulations or not. Alpha and beta testing: Alpha testing is performed in the development environment before it is released to the customer. Input is taken from the alpha testers, and then the developer fixes the bug to improve the quality of a product.
  • Unlike alpha testing, beta testing is performed in the customer environment. Customer performs the testing and provides the feedback, which is then implemented to improve the quality of a product. Accessibility testing is used to verify whether a software product is accessible to the people having disabilities deaf, blind, mentally disabled etc. Ad-hoc testing is a testing phase where the tester tries to 'break' the system by randomly trying the system's functionality. Agile testing is a testing practice that uses agile methodologies i.
  • Application Programming Interface is a formalized set of software calls and routines that can be referenced by an application program to access supporting system or network services. Testing by using software tools which execute test without manual intervention is known as automated testing. The Bottom-up testing is a testing approach which follows integration testing where the lowest level components are tested first, after that the higher level components are tested.
  • The process is repeated until the testing of the top-level component. In Baseline testing, a set of tests is run to capture performance information. Baseline testing improves the performance and capabilities of the application by using the information collected and make the changes in the application. Baseline compares the present performance of the application with its previous performance. Benchmarking testing is the process of comparing application performance with respect to the industry standard given by some other organization.
  • It is a standard testing which specifies where our application stands with respect to others. There are two types of testing which are very important for web testing: Performance testing: Performance testing is a testing technique in which quality attributes of a system are measured such as responsiveness, speed under different load conditions and scalability. The performance testing describes which attributes need to be improved before the product is released in the market.
  • Acceptance Testing Ques. What is unit testing? Unit testing is the first level of testing and it involves testing individual modules of the software. It is usually performed by developers. What is integration testing? Integration testing is performed after unit testing. In integration testing, we test the group of related modules. It aims at finding interfacing issues between the modules.
  • What are the different types of integration testing? The different type of integration testing is- Big bang Integration Testing — In big bang integration testing, testing starts only after all the modules are integrated. Bottom-up Integration Testing — In bottom-up integration, testing starts from lower-level modules to higher-level modules up in the hierarchy. Hybrid Integration Testing — Hybrid integration testing is the combination of both Top-down and bottom-up integration testing. In this approach, the integration starts from the middle layer and testing is carried out in both the direction For details check Integration testing. What is a stub? In those cases, Stubs or dummy modules are used that simulate the working of modules by providing a hard-coded or expected output based on the input values. What is a driver? In the case of bottom-up integration testing, drivers are used to simulating the working of top-level modules in order to test the related modules lower in the hierarchy.
  • It also ensures that the application is user-friendly and can handle complex scenarios at its best before releasing the product to real-world users. What is End-To-End Testing? End-to-End testing is a type of testing where the entire application undergoes testing, to test each functionality of the software is working as expected and there is no loophole remaining in it. It ensures that the application is user-friendly and meets the business requirements. What is alpha testing? Alpha testing is a type of acceptance testing that is performed testers or the internal employees of the organization at the developer site. What is beta testing? It allows users to provide direct input about the software to the development company. What is Adhoc Testing? Adhoc testing is an unstructured way of testing that is performed without any formal documentation or proper planning.
  • It checks the scalability of the application and helps in the identification of a bottleneck with a high volume of data. What is endurance testing or Soak testing? Endurance testing is a type of performance testing which aims at finding issues like memory leaks when an application is subjected to load test for a long period of time. What is spike testing? What is UI testing? UI or user interface testing is a type of testing that aims at finding Graphical User Interface defects in the application and checks that the GUI conforms to the specifications. What is usability testing? Usability testing is the type of testing that aims at determining the ease of using the application. It aims at uncovering the usability defects in the application.
  • What is Accessibility testing? Accessibility testing is the type of testing which aims at determining the ease of use or operation of the application specifically for people with disabilities. What is compatibility testing? Compatibility testing is validating software to see how compatible the software is with a particular environment — operating system, platform, or hardware. What is configuration testing? Configuration testing is the type of testing used to evaluate the configurational requirements of the software along with the effect of changing the required configuration. What is localization testing? What is globalization testing? Globalization testing is a type of testing in which application is evaluated for its functioning across the world in different cultures, languages, locales, and countries. What is negative testing? What is security testing? Security testing is a type of testing which aims at evaluating the integrity, authentication, authorization, availability, confidentiality, and non-repudiation of the application under test.
  • What is the difference between regression and retesting? Whereas, in retesting, we verify if the fixed issue is resolved or not. What is the difference between black-box and white-box testing? Black-box testing is a type of testing in which the internal architecture of the code is not required for testing. It is usually applicable for system and acceptance testing. Whereas white-box testing requires internal design and implementation knowledge of the application being tested. It is usually applicable for Unit and Integration testing.
  • What is the difference between smoke and sanity testing? The difference between smoke and sanity testing is- Smoke testing is a type of testing in which all major functionalities of the application are tested before carrying out exhaustive testing. Whereas, sanity testing is a subset of regression testing which is carried out when there is some minor fix in the application in a new build. In smoke testing, shallow-wide testing is carried out while in Sanity, narrow-deep testing for a particular functionality is done.
  • The smoke tests are usually documented or are automated. Whereas, the sanity tests are generally not documented or unscripted. What is the difference between Release and Build? A build is an executable file provided by the developers to the testing team for testing the application. It undergoes various iterations of fixing and testing until the application works as expected. Whereas, a release is an installable software provided to the end-users after it gets certified by the testing team.
  • What is the main difference between a walkthrough and an inspection? Which of the following is NOT true of test coverage criteria? Which one of the following statements about system testing is NOT true? Ans: D 7. Which of the following characterizes the cost of faults? Ans: B 8. Integration testing in the small: a Tests the individual components that have been developed. Ans: D An incident logging system a Is a valuable source of project information during testing if it contains all incidents b Is of limited value c Only records defects d Should be used only by the test team.
  • Ans: A Increasing the quality of the software, by better development methods, will affect the time needed for testing the test phases by: a Reducing test time.
  • Post a Job Are you a job seeker? Find jobs What programming languages have you used in the past? What are your top two programming languages? See answer How much are you coding on a daily basis? If you do not code on a daily basis, what is typical in your role? See answer How comfortable are you in a startup environment, or do you prefer working in a more established company? See answer What distinguishes a great software engineer from a good one?
  • Do you feel you have those qualities? See answer In your opinion, what are the principles of good software engineering? What are some basic principles everyone should follow? See answer If needed, how would you go about designing scalable applications? Walk us through your process. See answer Explain what black box and white box testing are. Explain your process to me. Do you regularly seek out professional development to stay aware of changes in the software engineering field? Explain what responsive design is and describe the differences between fluid and fixed layouts.
  • Can you tell us how a stack differs from an array? What other resources could you use instead? Are you comfortable providing an alternative approach to solving a software engineering problem? This question allows you to see how many programming languages the candidate knows and whether they are familiar with a language you commonly use at your company. I having a passing knowledge of SQL and Perl. What to look for:.
  • ENDIF 1 test for statement coverage, 2 for branch coverage Which review is normally used to evaluate a product to determine its suitability for the intended use and to identify discrepancies? Technical Review. Faults found should be originally documented by whom? By testers. Which is the current formal world-wide recognized documentation standard? There isn't one.
  • Which of the following is the review participant who has created the item to be reviewed? Author A number of critical bugs are fixed in software. All the bugs are in one module, related to reports. The test manager decides to do regression testing only on the reports module. Regression testing should be done on other modules as well because fixing one module may affect other modules. Why does the boundary value analysis provide good test cases? Because errors are frequently made during programming of the different cases near the 'edges' of the range of values. What makes an inspection different from other review types? It is led by a trained leader, uses formal entry and exit criteria and checklists. Why can be tester dependent on configuration management? Because configuration management assures that we know the exact version of the testware and the test object. What is V-Model? A software development model that illustrates how testing activities integrate with software development phases What is maintenance testing?
  • Triggered by modifications, migration or retirement of existing software What is test coverage? Test coverage measures in some specific way the amount of testing performed by a set of tests derived in some other way, e. Wherever we can count things and can tell whether or not each of those things has been tested by some test, then we can measure coverage. Why is incremental integration preferred over "big bang" integration? Because incremental integration has better early defects screening and isolation ability What is called the process starting with the terminal modules? Bottom-up integration During which test activity could fault be found most cost-effectively? During test planning The purpose of the requirement phase is To freeze requirements, to understand user needs, to define the scope of testing Why we split testing into distinct stages? We split testing into distinct stages because of the following reasons, Each test stage has a different purpose It is easier to manage to test in stages We can run different test into different environments Performance and quality of the testing is improved using phased testing What is DRE?
  • In order to measure test effectiveness, a powerful metric is used to measure test effectiveness known as DRE Defect Removal Efficiency From this metric we would know how many bugs we have found from the set of test cases. Which of the following is likely to benefit most from the use of test tools providing test capture and replay facilities? How would you estimate the amount of re-testing likely to be required?

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