Monday 24 May 2021

Project Management Exam Essay Questions And Answers Pdf

  • Once the processes, procedures and templates are created, they can be used perhaps with small modifications on all projects in the future. This results in reduced project start-up time, a shorter learning curve for project team members and time...

  • One of the first benefits that should occur with good project management processes is that you will be more predictable. You will find that if you do a better job of planning you will better understand the work to be accomplished, and you will do a...
  • Building a higher quality product the first time. Project management contains quality management processes that will help the team understand the needs of the customer in terms of quality. Once those needs are defined, the team can implement quality control and quality assurance techniques to meet the customer expectations. Improved financial management. This is the result of better project definition, better estimating, more formal budgeting and better tracking of the project actual costs against the budget. All this rigor results in better financial predictability and control. A project may have started with sound cost-benefit justification. However, if the project is late and over-budget it may hit a threshold where the business case is no longer valid. Effective project management allows you to see these situations earlier so that you can make better decisions to re-scope or cancel the project.
  • More focus on metrics and fact-based decision making. One of the more sophisticated aspects of project management is that it provides guidance to make it easier to collect metrics measurements. Metrics give you information that helps you determine how effectively and efficiently your team is performing and the level of the quality of your deliverables. Metrics also give you the information necessary to validate whether or not you were successful. Improved work environment. If your projects are more successful, you will find additional intangible benefits associated with your project team. Your customers will have more involvement, your project team will take more ownership of the project, morale will be better, and the project team will behave with a greater sense of professionalism and self-confidence. This should make sense. People that work on projects with problems tend to be unhappy.
  • On the other hand, people on successful projects tend to feel better about their jobs and themselves. People who complain that project management is a lot of 'overhead' forget the point. All projects are managed. The question is how effectively they are managed. Generally, it is believed that organizations that follow good processes are more successful than organizations that do not. These organizations get more work done and they tend to do the work that is of most value.
  • Your organization also may not have a Project Management Office PMO or other organization that is responsible for deploying these project management skills. Senior managers think that project management is a tool. When you discuss project management with some managers, they initially think you are trying to implement a tool that allows you to be a better project manager. Actually, if it were a tool, you might have more luck convincing them of the value. Even though some aspects of project management, like the creation and management of the schedule, may utilize a tool, that is not where the value of project management is. The value is in the disciplined utilization of sound, consistent processes. You may have been burned or buried in the past. When you start talking about processes, best practices and templates, some managers immediately start to think about overhead, delay and paperwork. They fail to immediately connect with the value that a methodology brings. A common criticism of methodology is that it is cumbersome, paper intensive and takes too much focus away from the work at hand.
  • Sometimes this criticism is a legitimate concern, caused by not scaling the methodology appropriately to the size of your project. For instance, if you were required to develop a fifteen page Project Charter document even if your project is only hours, you may have been turned off by project management methodology. However, this is not a methodology problem as much as it is a misapplication of the methodology. There is a fear of control from team members. Many people like to be able to do their jobs creatively and with a minimum of supervision. They fear that formal project management techniques will result in tight controls that will take the creativity and fun out of the work.
  • To a certain extent they are right. However, common processes and procedures eliminate some of the creativity in areas where you probably don't want it in the first place. You just need to follow the standard processes that are already in place. There is a fear of the loss of control from management. If you really want to effectively implement a project management discipline at your company, you must give a level of control and authority to the project manager. Some organizations and middle managers do not want to lose that control.
  • The bottom line on project management is this - if the result of project management was that projects would take more time, cost more and have poor quality, it would not make sense to use it. In fact, the opposite is true. Using sound project management techniques and processes will give you a higher likelihood that your project will be completed on time, within budget and to an acceptable level of quality.
  • Summary 1. What do you believe more in, a Leader or a Manager and why? Answer: This question is also more from agile mind-set where rather than managers, leaders are required and the team is self-organizing. At the same time, the manager is required to manage the project efficiently and has to make some tough decisions during the course of the project. Management 2. How do you deal with underperforming project team members? Answer: If you are an experienced professional, you might have worked with a demotivated or underperforming colleague. The critical point for the project manager is, he or she has to motivate all project resources to produce the most out of their capacity.
  • The project manager must motivate underperforming resources in a project. This project manager interview question assesses your people management skills. This question will show how you motivate your underperforming resources. Following is a sample answer for this question. When I see an underperforming resource, first, I observe him whether it is a one-time issue or occurring frequently. Because, depending on daily life, each person can have fluctuating motivation level. If the project team member is underperforming for a couple of weeks, I invite him to a coffee break. First, I ask him how does he feel about the project, whether he is happy to work in the project. Then, I ask him whether there is anything demotivating him about the project, work or company. If there is a problem with the project, work or company, I will try to find the root cause of the problem and then I try to resolve the issue that is causing demotivation.
  • In some cases, demotivation can be because of the problems in the daily life of the project team members. In that case, if the team member tells about the problem, I will do my best to help him. A software developer in my banking project was performing very well. All of a sudden, I noticed a decent drop in his performance. After one week passed, I talked to him. I was thinking that he was demotivated because of the recent promotion and bonus announcements in the company. However, I learned that he just broke up with his long-lasting girlfriend. It was a personal issue, however, I tried my best to motivate him. I organized a couple of team lunches that all project team attends to change his mood. After two or three weeks, he was performing well again. Project manager candidate describes how he approaches a demotivated project team member step-by-step.
  • Then, he gives an example from his project, which makes his experience stronger in this project manager interview question. Answer: WBD is the process of decomposition of a project into deliverable-oriented components. This helps the project manager to oversee the project more effectively. Answer: The techniques are parametric estimates, three-point estimates, and analogous estimates. These are some of the popular questions that are asked in project management interviews. Always be prepared to answer all types of questions — technical skills, interpersonal, leadership or methodology. If you are someone who has recently started your career in project management, you can always get certified to understand the industry-related terminology, skills, and methodologies. Can you describe some of the projects that you handled in your previous job?
  • Pick some examples based on the following criteria: How recently have you worked on it. Describe all the steps involved from the time of project initiation to project completion? Answer: The best answer to this question would be scenario-based. Sometimes, the interviewers themselves give a hypothetical project and ask you how you would handle it.
  • For each stage phase the project follows, briefly mention the following: The main objective of that phase The key people involved Your role in each of those phases 7. Did your colleagues or your manager ever challenge your decisions? But, disagreements in projects are quite common. So, it is extremely unlikely nobody disagreed with your decisions Especially, if you are a senior project manager. Show that you are a person who can take feedback constructively and can take everybody along with you in a collaborative manner. What is a decision support system DSS? It provides automation and stability in the decision-making process of the organization.
  • There are two types of DSS, structured and unstructured. DSS connects many flow charts in the organizational process. It can be formulated and built statistically or stochastically. How do you keep your team members motivated? Answer: One of the important roles of a leader is to keep the morale of the team members high. Show the interviewer that you are a team player and work collaboratively. Tell the interviewer that you would like your team members to look up to you for advice. Also, they should feel free to share their ideas and suggestions with you. Instead of imposing decisions, you allow the team members to contribute and make it a collective effort.
  • Do you think integrity is an essential quality of a project manager? Go on to describe why it is so. Any company wants an employee who shares the values and principles of the company. If you are in a responsible position such as a project manager, you are expected to show the way for others to follow. Earning the respect of your team members and the trust of your bosses can only happen when you are ethically upright. What is a Fishbone diagram and when to use it? Answer: Fishbone Diagram or Ishikawa Diagram is a visualization tool to understand the potential causes of a problem to identify its root causes. Can you tell me an example of how you communicated a failure to your team, manager, and customer? Answer: This project manager interview question will assess your risk management and communication management experience together.
  • Executive management of the customer was pushing to deliver the project on time. However, since the customer could not complete their acceptance tests, it was risky. First, I called my manager. I wish we could have spoken face-to-face but she was on a business trip at that time. I told her about the situation. She agreed with me to speak about the risk of the situation with the customer. Then, I organized a meeting with the project team. I told the team that they did all they have to do. I added in the meeting that, we, as a project team, met our deadlines and objectives. However, the customer could not complete their acceptance tests on time. Therefore, we will be postponing the project launch for one month. This made some of the project team members upset because we were working hard to complete the project on time but the project was postponed because of a customer-sourced delay.

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