- Two of the deputies from New York left on July 10, , and after that Hamilton, the third deputy, when he was in attendance did not attempt to cast the vote of his State. The New Hampshire deputies did not arrive until July 23, ; so that there never...Link: https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/subjects/economics.updates.html?article=%2Fcontent%2Fdemo%2Fen%2Fnews-policy%2Fsubject-updates%2Feconomics%2Fgce-economics-a-assessment-support
- The meeting was called for May 14, , but a quorum was not present until May About how large was the population of Philadelphia? The census of gave it 28,; including its suburbs, about 42, What was the average age of the deputies to the...Link: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/250824423
- Was Thomas Jefferson a member of the Constitutional Convention? What did Thomas Jefferson have to do with framing the Constitution? Although absent from the Constitutional Convention and during the period of ratification, Jefferson rendered no inconsiderable service to the cause of Constitutional Government, for it was partly through his insistence that the Bill of Rights, consisting of the first ten amendments, was adopted. Who presided over the Constitutional Convention? George Washington, chosen unanimously.Link: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080814215011AAS4UGw
- How long did it take to frame the Constitution? It was drafted in fewer than one hundred working days. How much was paid for the journal kept by Madison during the Constitutional Convention? Was there harmony in the Convention? Serious conflicts arose at the outset, especially between those representing the small and large States. Who presented the Virginia Plan? Edmund Randolph. What was the Connecticut Compromise? This was the first great compromise of the Constitutional Convention, whereby it was agreed that in the Senate each State should have two members, and that in the House the number of Representatives was to be based upon population. Thus the rights of the small States were safeguarded, and the majority of the population was to be fairly represented. Who actually wrote the Constitution? In none of the relatively meager records of the Constitutional Convention is the literary authorship of any part of the Constitution definitely established.Link: http://bhj.red-monkey.it/how-long-after-amazon-online-assessment.html
- The deputies debated proposed plans until, on July 24, , substantial agreement having been reached, a Committee of Detail was appointed, consisting of John Rutledge, of South Carolina; Edmund Randolph, of Virginia; Nathaniel Gorham, of Massachusetts; Oliver Ellsworth, of Connecticut; and James Wilson, of Pennsylvania, who on August 6 reported a draft which included a Preamble and twenty-three articles, embodying fifty-seven sections. Debate continued until September 8, when a new Committee of Style was named to revise the draft. The actual literary form is believed to be largely that of Morris, and the chief testimony for this is in the letters and papers of Madison, and Morris's claim. However, the document in reality was built slowly and laboriously, with not a piece of material included until it has been shaped and approved.Link: https://investopedia.com/articles/professionaleducation/12/cfa-level-2-exam-focus.asp
- The preamble was written by the Committee of Style. Who was the penman who, after the text of the Constitution had been agreed on, engrossed it prior to the signing? Jacob Shallus who, at the time, was assistant clerk of the Pennsylvania State Assembly, and whose office was in the same building in which the Convention was held. Does his name appear on the document or in any of the papers pertaining to its preparation? When and how was the identity of the engrosser determined? In , on the occasion of the th anniversary of the Constitution.Link: https://rpacertified.com/cert-questions-answers.html
- His identity was determined after a long and careful search of collateral public documents, and is here disclosed for the first time. Where did Shallus do the engrossing? There is no record of this, but probably in Independence Hall. Did he realize the importance of the work he had done? Probably not; when he died, in , the Constitution had not yet come to be the firmly established set of governmental principles it since has become. Did some of the deputies to the Constitutional Convention refuse to sign the Constitution? Only thirty-nine signed. Fourteen deputies had departed for their homes, and three--Randolph and Mason, of Virginia, and Gerry, of Massachusetts--refused to sign.Link: https://youtube.com/watch?v=1aYJmWR14Nk
- One of the signatures is that of an absent deputy, John Dickinson, of Delaware, added at his request by George Read, who also was from Delaware. How can it be said that the signing of the Constitution was unanimous, when the deputies of only twelve States signed and some delegates refused to sign? The signatures attest the "Unanimous Consent of the States present. Hamilton signed this attestation for New York, though as he was the only deputy of the State present he had not been able to cast the vote of his State for the consent, only eleven States voting on the final question.Link: https://genesig.com/assets/files/bpv_easy.pdf
- There is an even greater discrepancy about the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. Some seven or eight members present on July 4 never signed; seven Signers, including Richard Henry Lee, of Virginia, who proposed the resolution of independence, were not present on the day; and eight other Signers were not members of Congress until after July 4. Did George Washington sign the Declaration of Independence? He had been appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army more than a year before and was at the time with the army in New York City.Link: http://ittc.ku.edu/EECS/EECS_360.petr/quiz.exam.solns/eecs360exam1.pdf
- What are the exact measurements of the originals of the Declaration of Independence and of the Constitution of the United States? How many words are there in the texts in the present volume, and how long does it take to read them? The Constitution has 4, words, including the signatures but not the certificate on the interlineations; and takes about half an hour to read. The Declaration of Independence has 1, words, with the signatures, but is slower reading, as it takes about ten minutes. The Farewell Address has 7, words and requires forty-five minutes to read. What party names were given to those who favored ratification and to those who opposed it? Those who favored ratification were called Federalists; those who opposed, Antifederalists. In ratifying the Constitution, did the people vote directly? Ratification was by special State conventions Art. The vote of how many States was necessary to ratify the Constitution? Nine Art. In what order did the States ratify the Constitution?Link: https://exam-mate.com/pastexams/13945/answer/0452_w17_ms_12.pdf
- After the Constitution was submitted for ratification, where did the greatest contests occur? In Massachusetts, Virginia, and New York. In each instance what was the vote? New York ratified the Constitution by a majority of three votes 30 to 27; Massachusetts by to ; and Virginia by 89 to In the course of ratification, how many amendments were offered by the State conventions? Seventy-eight; exclusive of Rhode Island's twenty-one, and those demanded by the first convention in North Carolina. There were many others offered which were considered necessary as items of a Bill of Rights. Various of these covered the same topics. When did the United States government go into operation under the Constitution? The Constitution became binding upon nine States by the ratification of the ninth State, New Hampshire, June 21, Notice of this ratification was received by Congress on July 2, On September 13, , Congress adopted a resolution declaring that electors should be appointed in the ratifying States on the first Wednesday in January, ; that the electors vote for President on the first Wednesday in February, ; and that "the first Wednesday in March next [March 4, ] be the time and the present seat of Congress the place for commencing proceedings under the said constitution.Link: https://counsellingresource.com/quizzes/drug-testing/drug-abuse/
- Which of the statements below most accurately describes the intentions of the framers with respect to whether the Supreme Court should be given the power to invalidate acts of Congress? A Some delegates thought that the Court should have the power to strike down acts of Congress inconsistent with natural law, even where no constitutional provisions had been violated. B Some delegates believed that the Court should not be given the power to invalidate acts of Congress. C Many delegates probably never gave the issue of judicial review serious consideration because they thought it unlikely that Congress would ever act unconstitutionally. D All of the above statements are true. In Craig v. Boren, the Court struck down Oklahoma's law which allowed year old women to buy 3.Link: https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110803020618AAFkFk0
- What happens next? A The law is void and any person of any age can buy beer. B Eighteen-year-old men are free to buy beer, but the Oklahoma legislature would be free to raise the age for everyone to C The law remains enforceable as written until the Oklahoma legislature decides whether to raise the minimum age to 21 for everyone. D Eighteen-year-olds are free to buy beer, and any attempt by Oklahoma to raise the age to 21 for everyone would be unconstitutional. A city adopts an ordinance requiring the operators of massage parlors to receive licenses from the city. In the absence of more complete information, what would you say about the chances of successfully challenging the ordinance on constitutional grounds?Link: https://republicworld.com/india-news/education/nta-jnu-2020-jnu-entrance-exams-dates-out-now-admit-card-download.html
- A Weak - the Court probably will uphold after applying rational basis test. B Strong - the Court will probably strike down on "right of privacy" grounds. C Strong - the Court will probably strike down on equal protection grounds unless the city also licenses most other businesses. D Fairly strong - the court will probably apply middle-tier scrutiny since sex is involved. The U. Constitution has as its most significant purposes -- A Conferring power on national and state governments B Conferring power on the national government and limiting the power of national and state government C Limiting the power of national and state government D Conferring power on national government and limiting the power of national and state governments and private individuals 5. In Plyler v. Doe, the Supreme Court held that Texas may not deny a free public education to the children of illegal aliens. How did the Court justify its decisions? A The statute lacked a rational basis.Link: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/cc24c62f-5fac-49e0-9d4f-7a5a2a089d53/using-the-planning-web-service-in-a-net-app
- B Alienage is a suspect classification and Texas could not show it had a compelling interest. C Education is a fundamental right and Texas could not show that the statute was narrowly tailored. D The Court held for the aliens on procedural grounds. The regulation is based on evidence that the incidence of serious health problems increases markedly in the mid's. This F. Which of the following was not identified by the Supreme Court in the Carolene Products case to be a factor which may justify more careful scrutiny of a statute that disadvantages a minority group? A The group is underrepresented in the political process. B The group lacks significant social contact with groups holding most political power. C The group perceives itself as inferior to other groups in society. D The group has been the victim of discrimination in the past. Which of the laws below would be least likely to raise a significant substantive due process issue under the analysis used in Griswold and Roe?Link: https://marcolsen.weebly.com/uploads/1/3/6/4/13641528/110_final_exam_study_guide..pdf
- A a law prohibiting marriage between cousins B a law establishing grounds for termination of parental rights C a law prohibiting sodomy between consenting adults D a law prohibiting indecent exposure 9. As interpreted by the Supreme Court in Marbury, which of the following statements can be made about Art. III, 2? A The original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court is set by the Constitution; Congress can neither add to it nor subtract from it. B Congress can add to the Supreme Court's original jurisdiction, but it can't subtract from it. C Congress can subtract from the Supreme Court's original jurisdiction, but it can't add to it. D Congress can make "any exceptions" to the Supreme Court's jurisdiction it desires. Which of the following theories about the applicability of the Bill of Rights to the states can be said to have emerged victorious?Link: https://youtube.com/watch?v=AIiQRHsntck
- Which of the following statements best describes the process of ratification of the Constitution? A Ratification probably would not have occurred without the promise to swiftly propose a Bill of Rights. B Ratification was a foregone conclusion given the stature of those attending the Philadelphia Convention. C Ratification became possible only because of the efforts of George Washington, author of The Federalist papers.Link: https://uregina.ca/remote-learning/exams.html
- D Ratification occurred largely because opposition to the Constitution was weak and disorganized. E Ratification would probably not have occurred if not for bribes paid to state legislators in key states. Which of the following statements most accurately describes how the Court has treated statutes that disadvantage indigents? A Indigency is a suspect classification triggering strict scrutiny. B The Court has been sympathetic to claims of indigents when the state imposes a substantial fee before it confers an important benefit, but the Court has been unwilling to use the equal protection clause to help indigents achieve a minimum standard of living. C The Court has been particularly unreceptive to claims based on indigency, and his consistently treated statutes denying benefits to indigents to rational basis review. D Indigency has been recognized as a quasi-suspect classification, and the level of scrutiny is similar to that used in gender cases.Link: https://nctj.com/latestnews/New-NQJ-exam-produces-pass-rate-of-54-per-cent
- The Ninth Amendment to the U. Constitution A Repeals the Seventh Amendment. B Imposes a specific limitation on the power of the states to intrude into matters of privacy. C Prohibits the quartering of soldiers in private homes. E Guarantees that states shall have powers not delegated to the Federal Government. A A gasoline tax. C Denial of passport. D A law requiring state employees to reside in the state.Link: https://timeshighereducation.com/blog/universities-are-failing-their-students-during-coronavirus-outbreak
- E A law limiting public housing to persons who have lived in the state for at least one year. Assume a state passes a law requiring all uneducable mentally retarded persons defined with reference to scores on a standardized exam to be sterilized at age Which of the following is probably the weakest argument to use in a constitutional challenge to the law? C The right to bear children and raise a family is a fundamental right triggering strict scrutiny of the classification involved. Which of the following statements about the Takings Clause is not accurate? A The government generally may take private property, so long as it pays just compensation.Link: https://moneyexpert.com/broadband/what-speed-do-i-need/
- B Private property may not be taken by the government for a private use. C The Takings Clause applies only to real property, not personal property. E Both C and D are false. Which of the following has not been identified by the Court as a factor to consider in deciding whether a taking has occurred? A The value of the property involved. B Whether the government has interfered with investor-backed expectations.Link: https://fpa.org.uk/sites/default/files/thrush-bacterial-vaginosis-information-and-advice.pdf
- C The value of the property before the government action compared to its value after the government action. D The character of the government action. Which of the following has not been advanced as a major justification for the state action requirement? A The maintenance of a private amusement park such as Disneyland. B The operation of a parking ramp. C The actions of a volunteer fire department. D The actions of a private firm hired by a state to collect delinquent taxes.Link: http://users.clas.ufl.edu/nolls/Courses/AMH%20%202010Midterm%20Preview-%20nonTA%20F10.pdf
- B He was told that was the purpose of the Amendment by one of its framers. D He wanted to annoy Justice Frankfurter, with whom he had a long-lasting feud. Which of the following rules of constitutional interpretation is NOT generally followed by the U. Supreme Court? A As a general rule, if a case can be decided on statutory grounds, the Court will not reach constitutional issues. B The Court will generally accept state supreme court interpretations of state statutes. C The Coiurt will not agree to decide a constitutional question when the state court decision below is supported by an independent and adequate state ground.Link: https://classes.mst.edu/civeng110/fe_review/statics/96f/exam_5/exam.pdf
Tuesday, 25 May 2021
Practice Constitution Test With Answers
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