Monday 24 May 2021

Micp Training For Managers Test Answers

  • The overall budget is growing, operations are expanding or emerging, and several major enterprise-wide weaknesses and risks exist that could negatively impact those operations. DoD must ensure sound controls exist to achieve and sustain efficient...

  • This article provides an overview of the MICP, along with best practices and lessons learned from past experience, to allow for increased understanding and application across the DoD. What is the MICP? The MICP enables organizations to establish a...
  • The formal report, known as the Statement of Assurance SOA , must be submitted to the Secretary of Defense SecDef after an assessment of operations, financial reporting and financial systems. The MICP is required by law and assists organizations meet their objectives. MICP efforts support senior leadership decisions within and across organizations to assess what is working properly and what is not. It also provides reasonable assurance to Congress and U. First, DoD is the largest U. Other weaknesses were reported in areas of contract administration, information technology, and personnel and organizational management. All reported weaknesses were attributed to nonexistent or ineffective ICs. This includes, per DoD Instruction Everyone within each DoD organization, regardless of rank, function or expertise, has a responsibility. This applies to personnel supporting a MDAP or an office performing purely administrative tasks. Working-level staff members perform day-to-day operations based on current ICs, identify risks and IC deficiencies or weaknesses to managers, and provide input for their assessable unit managers to complete MICP products.
  • Some have existed for several decades while others have been released in recent years. Some resources that can assist organizations with their MICP are listed in the sidebar above. Besides being required by law, the MICP can greatly assist organizations with meeting objectives. Leadership support both allows for MICP efforts to be prioritized across the enterprise and provides the greatest chance for effort effectiveness. Organizations should also incorporate its MICP across all functional areas or assessable units as early as possible. This applies to new organizations with new functions, existing organizations with new functions, or existing organizations with modified functions. Regardless, organizations must have appropriate MICP coverage based on current operations and assessable units.
  • Leadership support and early incorporation are necessary ingredients for an effective MICP. This produced a highly supportive environment that directly contributed to successful efforts across the enterprise, whether training of key personnel or major products such as risk assessments and SOAs. If personnel do not have access to or are unaware of applicable processes, responsibilities and products, they will have difficulties completing effective efforts. Tailored training to each organization also is extremely beneficial since all organizations have differing missions and functions and unique processes for completing the MICP requirements. This office supports all MDA assessable units and completes several valuable functions. The office essentially provides MICP customer service on demand for the entire organization. Risk management is not a once-per-year event; however, it is a dynamic and constant activity to prevent potential issues from becoming actual issues.
  • Successful MICP efforts require appropriate risk management efforts. If MICP efforts are completed by only one or a few people, it is highly unlikely that the organization will complete a true evaluation of ICs and risks. The MICP efforts should involve many personnel new and experienced across each assessable unit or functional area. If personnel have access to program evaluations, risk assessments and SOAs, they can utilize the information to help strengthen ICs and better assist organizations achieve their objectives. This includes personnel who are new to their organization or responsibilities. While working within various DoD organizations, some programs that I supported applied a team approach and some did not. Also, while some programs made the MICP products available to all personnel supporting that functional area or assessable unit, some did not. Programs that applied a team approach and actively shared information achieved the best outcomes.
  • External stakeholders also have interest in documentation. First, DoD reports to the public annually on its ICs. During audits or other reviews, auditors regularly seek IC documentation when assessing program effectiveness or compliance with laws. The importance of MICP documentation cannot be overstated. They actively supported programs to validate all key supporting documents were current and readily available. Conclusion The DoD is an extremely unique entity, given the magnitude of operations. The DoD also has multiple enterprise-wide weaknesses and risks that affect those operations. As such, the DoD owes it to Congress and U. DAU has resources available to assist DoD organizations with their MICP and risk management efforts—including customized workshops, training events and job support tools.
  • Select all that apply. Taken together, assessable units must constitute the entire organization. Assessable units can be functional or organizational. Assessable units should have clear limits or boundaries to reinforce accountability for their processes. The updated version should include which of the following? Description and documentation of monitoring efforts B. Existing control deficiencies and their corrective actions C. Internal controls testing being performed E. This is an example of which type of internal control testing? Observation Case Question 5 One of the internal controls in the Damage Control process was noted to be periodic inspections of fire extinguishers throughout the ship. Test results indicated that inspections were being conducted frequently enough to mitigate the risk of failure. However, while interviewing some of the crew, investigators found that some crew members were not adequately trained to perform the inspections and were not checking critical items, which might have led to a false sense that extinguishers were in proper working order.
  • The test results show that this internal control: A. Is designed effectively but not operating effectively Which of the following represent goals of the MIC program? To ensure that the Department of the Navy has a sound internal controls program in place Core Question 2 MIC Program implementation is the responsibility of a MIC Coordinator, although the fundamentals and importance of internal controls should be understood by: D. All Department of the Navy employees Core Question 3 Which of the following best represents the order of activities associated with the annual MIC process? Process documentation, risk assessment, controls identification, testing, and SOA reporting Core Question 4 Certain operations are susceptible to certain hazards, such as fire or explosion.
  • Even though controls are put in place to reduce the likelihood of occurrence, the original susceptibility to these hazards is always there. This is called: Core Question 5 Which type of test would involve an individual sitting next to a worker to see firsthand the activities that make up a particular task? Observation Module 4 Case Question 1 In the final investigation, it was determined that the fire had not been serious enough to significantly impact operations aboard the ship. However, the Navy incurred significant cost in terms of injured personnel and repairs. Control deficiencies related to this incident would likely be considered material for which reason? Which of the following is the weakest support for this assurance?
  • Add quarterly milestones leading up to the goal of passing the upcoming 3M Assessment. Identify specific internal controls that can be improved or added to correct the deficiency. Ensure that milestones produce results that are measurable so that progress can be reported. Which of the following would be considered a control-related accomplishment? Results from random inspections of damage control equipment show sharp improvement over time. Case Question 5 The MIC Coordinator on the ship collected input on control deficiencies and accomplishments from various departments. Once the certification was complete and signed, to whom would she submit it? Core Question 1 If a command believes that its internal controls provide reasonable assurance, but there are some material weaknesses identified, which type of opinion should the command use? Provide an update on the activities related to internal controls improvement for the reporting organization Core Question 3 During a control assessment, an organization identifies a control deficiency in one of its business processes.
  • This section describes the requirements for creating such a database before making any of these calculations. The topic is divided into four parts: inventory of existing petrophysical data; evaluation of the quality of existing data; conditioning the data for reservoir parameter calculations; and acquisition of additional petrophysical data, where needed.
  • The overall goal of developing the petrophysical database is to use as much valid data as possible to develop the best standard from which to make the calculations of the petrophysical parameters. Inventory of Existing Petrophysical Data To start the petrophysical calculations, the data that have been gathered previously from various wellbores throughout the reservoir must be identified, organized, and put into electronic form for future calculations. In a typical reservoir, several "generations" of wells have been drilled. The exploration wells that discover and delineate the reservoir constitute the first generation of wells. These wells are usually drilled with scant knowledge of formation pressure, which results in deep mud-filtrate invasion in the reservoir interval for which there may be significant hole-washout problems.
  • The routine data acquisition from cores also may vary because of different laboratories performing the core analysis on each well and because of changes in laboratory procedures and equipment over the intervening years. Also, different portions of the reservoir interval may have been analyzed with different techniques because they differ in degree of consolidation or rock heterogeneity. The number of petrographic measurements on cores [e. First, the technical team must prepare several spreadsheets tabulating the basic information about each of the drilled wells. Tables 3H. These spreadsheets provide quick access by the technical team to see what data are available, what form the data are in, how much of each type of data is available, and where gaps exist in the database. Separate sets of spreadsheets should be prepared for each of the reservoirs, if there are several separate reservoirs in a particular oil or gas field. Table 3H. There are a number of commercially available software packages that are useful for this purpose and can be used to access the log data and the routine-core-analysis data.
  • Evaluation of the Quality of Existing Data The second step in working with the petrophysical data is to evaluate the quality of each of these types of data. This step requires that the data inventory and database preparation steps are completed first so that this second step can occur as a systematic and complete process. The evaluation process is a "compare and contrast" exercise.
  • Log Data. The evaluation of log-data quality has many aspects. This should be noted in the petrophysical database. Logging tools sometimes become temporarily stuck as a log is being run. This results in constant readings on each of the several detectors on the tool string. When the tool is stationary, each detector on it becomes stuck at a different depth, so the interval of "stuck" log will vary for each log curve. For example, the neutron log typically sticks over an interval approximately 10 ft above the stuck interval on a density log. It may be possible to "splice" in a replacement section of log from a repeated log section, or the invalid readings may simply be deleted. Second, each log is formally calibrated before the start of each logging run by various calibration standards.
  • The logs are also checked again after the run. Calibration records may assist in determining the quality of the logs. Perhaps of equal importance are the written comments on the log heading made immediately after the job by the logging engineer. Third, systematic influences on the quality of log readings should be corrected. For example, if some of the wells are drilled with water-based mud WBM , the effect of WBM-filtrate invasion on various resistivity logs can be quantified. This is done by computations made using the various resistivity logs in the same wellbore; however, where deep invasion of WBM filtrate occurs, offsetting wells drilled with oil-based mud OBM give a good comparison.
  • The induction logs in OBM wells can provide accurate true reservoir resistivity values in thick hydrocarbon zones. See the chapter on resistivity and SP logging in this volume of the Handbook for more information on how invasion effects can be handled. Boreholes are not always right cylinders. Holes sometimes become spiral shaped during the drilling process, and their logs show sinusoidal responses.
  • Routine-Core Analysis Data. Differences may exist, and there may be good geologic reasons for such differences; however, some laboratory data may be of suspect quality and may require further review and inquiry. This evaluation begins with knowledge of the drilling mud used and whether the cores were specially cut and preserved to try to obtain undisturbed connate Sw. Second, review the core sampling and routine-core-analysis laboratory procedures to understand how those steps impacted the final fluid-saturation data reported. In aquifers and other mobile-water intervals, OBM-filtrate invasion displaces mobile water during core cutting, and fluid "bleeding" occurs during core surfacing. As a result, OBM-core water saturations are too low and not representative of true resident saturations.
  • They may also be more uncertain in very poor quality, high-Sw rock intervals in which it is difficult to make accurate porosity and water-volume determinations. WBM cores can provide a qualitative measure of residual-oil saturations in the oil column after accounting for oil shrinkage and bleeding. The OBM and WBM routine-core-analysis data should be compared and contrasted to identify how each alone, and in combination, can be used to answer certain petrophysical issues. Also, the trends of these sets of data e. Coring in friable, uncemented, and unconsolidated sands demands special coring, handling, and analysis techniques so that the grain structure is not altered.

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