Tuesday 25 May 2021

Ferpa Test Answers

  • Please choose another answer. According to John Bowlby and his position on attachment theory, during which stage does a child begin to cry when an unfamiliar person tries to hold or closely approach them. Learned behavior c. Separation anxiety d....
    Link: https://numerade.com/questions/use-the-formula-fprimexlim-_z-rightarrow-x-fracfz-fxz-x-to-find-the-derivative-of-the-functions-in-4/

  • This helps to form attachment. Separation anxiety begins around 6 to 8 months and the behaviors include being upset and anxious when the caregiver is out of his or her sight or leaves the room. Separation Anxiety Disorder occurs later in childhood...
    Link: https://sciencedirect.com/topics/agricultural-and-biological-sciences/chlorophyll
  • Acting out is an emotional conflict, that is dealt with through actions rather than feelings. Compensation enables one to make up for deficiencies. For example, a physically short man may work out at the gym to obtain a bigger physique to appear bigger than he actually is. Dissociation is a process that enables a person to split mental functions in a manner that allows him or her to express forbidden or unconscious impulses without taking responsibility for the action. A case worker is currently working with a client her age assisting her in accessing services through the local community center.
    Link: https://nbmeanswers.com/exam/nbme15/306
  • In this case, the case worker does not like certain behaviors of the client and projects her feelings of dislike onto the client. Projective Identification is a form of projection. However, its more utilized with individuals diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder BPD , which they are unconsciously perceiving others' behaviors as a reflection of one's own identity. Introjection is generally where a person adopts or replicates the behaviors or attributes of others. Incorporation is a primitive behavior where "psychic" representations of a person parts of a person are figuratively ingested. This individual is not exhibiting their true authentic self.
    Link: https://quora.com/What-are-the-minimum-marks-to-pass-the-FSP-exam-to-get-an-MBBS-admission-in-Germany?share=1
  • According to systems theory, what is another term for "steady state"? Input c. Open system d. Differentiation Homeostasis is another term for "steady state" as it relates to systems theory. Families strive for a sense of balance or "homeostasis". When it's not present, rules or interactions may need to be adjusted in order to achieve or restore this balance. Ethnicity c. Cultural identity d. Cultural diversity Ethnicity refers to the idea that one is a member of a particular cultural, national or racial group.
    Link: https://stuvia.co.za/doc/500918/tli4801-techniques-in-trial-and-litigation
  • They may share the same culture, religion, race, language or place of origin. For example, two people can share the same race but have different ethnicities. Race is not a fixed meaning, it is related to a particular social, historical, and geographical context. Society today refers to "race" based on one's skin color. Cultural identity is defined as the identity of a group or culture of an individual who is influenced by his or her self-identification with that group or culture. Cultural diversity is the quality of diverse or different cultures. Assessment 8. Amy, a Program Director of a small community clinic, is in charge of determining and addressing the needs of the clinics mental health program. She wants to better understand why clients are not utilizing the therapeutic services consistently. Which assessment tool would be most appropriate to determine the needs and addressing the potential gaps of the program? Formative evaluation c.
    Link: https://rejinpaul.com/2020/09/anna-university-8th-semester-mcq-with-answers.html
  • Needs assessment d. Cost-benefit analysis A needs assessment is a systematic process for determining and addressing gaps between current and desired conditions. It examines the strengths and weaknesses of a program with the aim of improving it in order to meet current and future challenges. There are multiple methods for conducting needs assessments, which can be conducted by consultants, staff and volunteers who are internal or external to the community clinic.
    Link: https://quizlet.com/224312042/hmt-exam-1-flash-cards/
  • This psychological assessment is an introspective self-report questionnaire with the purpose of indicating different psychological preferences in how people perceive the world around them and make decisions. Beck Depression Inventory b. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory c. Rorschach Inkblot Test d. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator MBTI is a forced-choice, self -report inventory that attempts to classify individuals along four theoretically independent dimensions on how people perceive the world around them. The four dimensions are extraverted, introverted, sensation, and intuition. The Beck Depression Inventory BDI is a item test, presented in a multiple-choice format that assesses the presence and degree of depression in adolescents and adults. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory MMPI is an objective verbal inventory designed as a personality test for the assessment of psychopathology consisting of statements, 16 of which are repeated.
    Link: https://amazon.com/HP-WLED-Backlit-i3-1005G1-Bluetooth-Accessories/dp/B08TWQFPJ2
  • The Rorschach Inkblot Test is used to assess one's perceptual reactions and other psychological functioning. It is one of the most widely used projective test. A social worker will be facilitating a support group for teenagers. He is currently establishing the time of the group and forming a set of plans, rules, and expectations for its members to follow. The social worker realizes that the members may initially feel emotionally distant from others in the group.
    Link: https://raisingnaturalkids.com/egg-yolk-the-perfect-first-food-for-baby/
  • At which stage in the group process is the social worker? Beginning c. Middle d. End A social worker takes on different roles throughout the group process, which has a beginning, middle, and end. In the "beginning" stage, a social worker identifies the purpose of the group and his or her role. This stage is characterized as a time to convene, to organize, and to set a plan. In addition, members are likely to remain distant or removed until they have had time to develop relationships. Intermediate stage is not part of this stage.
    Link: https://fiorinoimmobiliare.it/squeezemetrics.html
  • Question1: Answers a , b , and c are correct. FERPA applies to anyone who has ever taken a class at Maryville College, even if it was a long time ago or a non-credit class. Answers d and e are incorrect because the applicant and Santa have never taken a class at Maryville College. General Rule: You cannot leave personally identifiable materials in a public place. Question 3: All answers are correct except c and e. A school official is any employee or agent of the College including, but not limited to: faculty, staff, volunteers, interns, alumni mentors, student workers, and the Board of Trustees. Question 4: Correct Information on a computer screen should be treated the same as printed reports. General Rule: The medium in which the information is held is unimportant. No information should be left accessible or unattended, including computer displays. Question 4: Incorrect Information on a computer screen should be treated the same as printed reports.
    Link: https://hindustantimes.com/education/cucet-final-answer-key-2020-for-ug-courses-released-at-cucetexam-in-here-s-direct-link-to-check/story-RjXLyagJllCymN0wJQuFFN.html
  • Question 5: Answers a , b , c , and d are correct. These are records that are directly related to students and maintained by the College. Answer e is incorrect because the Schedule of Courses does not contain information about specific students. Answers f and g are incorrect because the record was neither created nor maintained by the College. General Rule: There are some occasions when this is allowable, such as release to organizations conducting educational studies, accrediting agencies, and judicial orders.
    Link: https://mathworks.com/help/driving/automated-driving-applications.html
  • Check with the Registrar before releasing information. Question 7: Answers b and c are correct. The shared or requested information is necessary for those involved to carry out their assigned duties at the College. Answers a and d are incorrect because those involved do not have the need to know the information in order to fulfill their duties at the College.
    Link: https://justanswer.com/printers/57vkt-printer-does-not-accept-in-coming-fax.html
  • Not doing so could result in disciplinary action or termination for you, a privacy violation for the student, lawsuits for the College, and even loss of federal financial aid. We are not sure about answer d …. Therefore, you cannot give out that grade, or any other non-directory information. General Rule: You must assume that the student is an adult who is entitled to privacy, even from parents. Parents may not must be allowed access to the records if the student is a dependent according to tax code. Note: FERPA does not mandate that the school provide parents access to the records even if the parents can prove the student is a dependent. It is always best to obtain written consent from the student before providing parents access to records. Question Answers b and c are both acceptable. If you are unsure whether the document is easily replaceable, give it to the Office of the Registrar so they can contact the student if needed.
    Link: http://doctorsforyou.org/
  • Question Incorrect This consent does not specify the records to be disclosed, the identity of the person to whom they are disclosed, or the purpose of the disclosure. Specific information concerning the records, the name of the person to whom the disclosure is made and the purpose of the disclosure must be presented in writing. Question Correct This consent does not specify the records to be disclosed, the identity of the person to whom they are disclosed, or the purpose of the disclosure.
    Link: https://worldfinance.yello.co/external/requisitions/Nm_JafNM110qPwf465c_Lw/apply?locale=en
  • While our team members are currently working remotely, we are continuing to assist students and the university community. Information that may be helpful during this transitional time: Links on the left hand side of the Office of the Registrar website contain information and answers to the most frequently asked questions. If you are unable to find the information you are looking for, please email us. You can continue to reach out to us by telephone. All voicemails are delivered to team members via email. It is helpful if you provide an email address for us to respond to your inquiry. Mail, Express Mail, and Electronic transcripts will continue to be processed as usual, without delay.
    Link: https://freenbme.com/exam/nbme24/993.html

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