Monday 24 May 2021

Civil Service Judgement Test Answers

  • The test is not timed, however most people take between two and four minutes to answer one scenario. Practice questions are included at the beginning of each test, and no specialist knowledge or experience is required. Taking the test The test is...

  • If your browser is not supported, the test will alert you to try an alternative. You need a stable internet connection throughout the test. Some questions may be presented as videos. Each video includes: Subtitles, and in the newer tests, British...
  • Before you begin, we suggest getting used to taking situational judgement tests via our practice test. Test results The number and difficulty of test questions is used to produce your score, which is compared to a representative group of civil servants who have also taken the test. Your score is presented as a percentile, which tells you how well you performed relative to this group. All Civil Service jobs are advertised at a particular level. If you pass the test at the minimum required standard for that job level, you will receive a message informing you. Then, one of two things will happen: where any additional tests are needed, you will be sent an invitation to complete them, or after the test deadline, the recruiter will look at all applicant scores to decide what the jobs pass mark will be.
  • They will consider the impact on protected groups, and the number of invitations to the next stage. The recruiter may decide to raise the pass mark for the job - if so, you will receive a message informing you that you have passed at the raised standard. Meeting the minimum test requirements for a job level is no guarantee of an invite to continue the selection process.
  • If you do not pass at the minimum required standard for a job level, you can retake the test during any future applications. Test feedback After taking the test, you will receive your score and automatically-generated feedback. This will be available from your application centre in Civil Service Jobs. For security reasons, we cannot provide feedback on answers to specific questions. Your personal information is held securely in Civil Service Jobs. The test supplier does not see this and will only know your name, if you choose to share it. Information will only be used to support your job application, and to evaluate the tests effectiveness. Problems during the test If you lose access to the test, sign in to your application centre to relaunch it. You can launch the test three times in total, and this does not have to be on the same device. For further support, contact your recruitment team - their email address will be in your application centre.
  • Alternatively, you can use this online form. Questions about the advertised job should be directed to the contact on the job advert.
  • Example Questions Question One This question asks candidates to choose the most effective and the least effective responses from a list of five. Everyone in your department has received a new computer system except for you. What would you do? Please choose the most effective and the least effective responses: A — Assume this is a mistake and speak to your manager B — Confront your manager regarding why you are being treated unfairly C — Take a new computer from one of your colleagues D — Complain to the Human Resources department E — Quit Answers to Question One: A — This is the most effective response available from the list.
  • If you have not been given appropriate equipment to do your job, then speaking to your manager who has responsibility for ensuring you are given the correct equipment is the right thing to do. B — It is not right to assume you have been treated unfairly, until you have spoken to your manager. C — Although you have not been given a new computer and your colleagues have been, it would not be right to take someone else's computer. This does not fix the problem, just moves the problem on to someone else. D — Making a complaint would be a good decision if your manager fails to act after you have spoken to them, but you should speak to them first.
  • E — This is the least effective response available from the list. Quitting would be ridiculous, after what is effectively only a small problem. Question Two This question asks candidates to rank the available responses from most effective to least effective in number order. You are aware that large amounts of company property have been going missing over the past couple of weeks. You have noticed one of your colleagues putting stationery and other equipment from the office into her bag on a number of occasions and suspect that she is responsible.
  • What is your response to the situation? Rank the following options in number order from the least effective to the most effective response, with 5 being the least effective and 1 being the most effective. A — Gather more evidence and catch her red-handed B — Confront your colleague and ask her about what you have noticed C — Inform your manager that you suspect your colleague is stealing D — Don't do anything.
  • If guilty your colleague will be caught E — Privately ask some of your colleagues if they have noticed anything suspicious recently Answers to Question Two: 5 least effective — D. This would be the worst option from the list. This option does not resolve the issue. You have not addressed why this behaviour is occurring, confronted your suspicions or informed anyone else. This activity is illegal and may now continue indefinitely. In this option you are not taking decisive action. Instead, you are spying on your colleague and wasting your own time. In the meantime more hospital property may be stolen. In this option, you are at least doing something, but are still not taking any decisive action. Gathering further information will not necessarily bring about a resolution or allay your suspicions, will not prevent further theft and may lead to misplaced rumours being spread about your colleague, who may quite possibly be innocent.
  • By doing this you take decisive action and draw your problem to the attention of someone senior, who can deal with the situation through the correct channels. However, you might be wrong and you haven't given your colleague the chance to explain their actions first. This is the best option from the list as it allows you to discuss the issue directly with your colleague addressing your suspicions and clearing any doubt or ambiguity. On the basis of this outcome, you would then proceed to option C. Question Three This question asks candidates to choose only the most effective response from a list of four. At the end of a busy day at work, you accidentally send an e-mail containing an attachment with some confidential client information to the wrong person. Which of the following would be the best thing to do? A — Decide to leave the office and deal with any problems tomorrow B — Decide to overlook your error, send the e-mail to the correct person and leave things like that C — Immediately send a follow-up email to the 'wrong' person, or if possible telephone them explaining your mistake.
  • Then send the email to the correct person D — Find your manager, explain what has happened to them and let them deal with any problems Answers to Question Three: A — This is the least effective decision. In this scenario, you would have sent the wrong person the important email, but not have sent the correct individual the email. B — This is not an effective decision. Although you do send the email to the correct person, you do not rectify the error you have made, which you must do. C — This is the most effective decision. In this scenario, you explain your mistake to your colleague and send the email to the correct person. D — This is not an effective decision.
  • If the contents of your email are very confidential then it would be a good idea to explain your mistake to your manager. However, it is not necessary to pass this type of issue to your boss to deal with, when you could quite easily deal with this yourself. Sometimes there are several decent answers, and sometimes there are none that seem good. Typically, the employer will rank the answers of each question. The computer will then assign your answers scores based on these rankings, and add them up to a final score. The employer will be shown your final score, but they might also receive extra information. If the questions were divided into types of questions that target specific competencies, then they might receive a breakdown of your score by competency. This will show the employer where you are strongest and where you are weakest. This gives the employer vital context, as an easier test may have a higher average score.
  • Knowing how an employer might be analysing your answers can help. It can be a useful way of thinking about a difficult question from a new angle. Preparation and Tips No special training, knowledge or experience is required to take this type of test. A candidate's answers should draw on general knowledge and life experience only. That said, candidates will benefit from practising similar questions, such as those above. Apart from anything else, practice helps to make you more comfortable with the test and its format, reducing some of those nerves and allowing you to focus more clearly.
  • Applicants have to pass a situational judgement test before being offered a position. By analysing the results of a standardised situational judgement test, the Civil Service are able to quickly see which candidates are suitable for the role and which are not. Often, the Civil Service will ask applicants to take a situational judgement test online, which you can take from home. Further along in the selection process you might be asked to attend an assessment centre or interview where you will be asked to sit a situational judgement test again. This is so the Civil Service can verify the person scoring highly in the test is indeed the person applying for the job.
  • Stage 1 Online Application You will need to complete an online application form, in which you will need to detail your educational history and choose the positions you would like to apply to. Stage 2 Online Situational Judgement Test and Behavioural Questionnaire Shortly after submitting your application, you will automatically be invited to take a Situational Judgement test online under timed conditions.
  • The test is quite short, and most candidates complete it under 30 minutes. The second test will be a behavioural questionnaire. You will have 5 days from submitting your application to complete these two tests. Stage 3 Online E-tray test If you have met the required criteria to pass the situational judgement test and behavioural questionnaire in the previous stage, you will be asked to take part in an e-tray test. These tests are simulations of an e-mail inbox, and all the material will be relevant to the Civil Service. This exercise will last for 80 minutes. You will get the opportunity to practice a few questions beforehand.
  • Stage 4 Video interview The video interview is described as a one-way recording. Typically, in a video interview you will be given a set of questions to respond to. You will then use the software provided to record your responses to these questions. You will be asked 9 questions and the interview should take about 30 minutes to complete. Use the freedom here to plan your responses to the questions well, even if that means redoing the recording. You will often get the opportunity to view and check the recording before submitting it. Ensure that your answers are relevant to the questions asked. The Civil Service state that you can record your responses from your mobile phone, tablet or any PC with a webcam.

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