Monday 24 May 2021

Chapter 15 Test Form A The Renaissance In Europe Answers

  • The subsequent phase was that of cremating the dead and placing their ashes in urns which were then buried in fields, following the customs of the Urnfield culture — BC. The southern region became dominated by the related Hilversum culture...

  • The King's grave of Oss BC was found in a burial mound, the largest of its kind in western Europe and containing an iron sword with an inlay of gold and coral. The deteriorating climate in Scandinavia around BC further deteriorated around BC and...
  • Roman forces pacified the region, but did not expel the Franks, who continued to be feared at least until the time of Julian the Apostate when Salian Franks were allowed to settle as foederati in Texandria. By the s, Clovis I had conquered and united all these territories in the southern Netherlands in one Frankish kingdom , and from there continued his conquests into Gaul. During this expansion, Franks migrating to the south eventually adopted the Vulgar Latin of the local population. By the seventh century a Frisian Kingdom — under King Aldegisel and King Redbad emerged with Utrecht as its centre of power, [68] [69] while Dorestad was a flourishing trading place.
  • In , at the Battle of the Boarn , the Frisians were defeated after a series of wars. He established the Archdiocese of Utrecht and became bishop of the Frisians. However, his successor Boniface was murdered by the Frisians in Dokkum , in However, in , it was divided into three parts— East , Middle , and West Francia. Most of present-day Netherlands became part of Middle Francia , which was a weak kingdom and subject of numerous partitions and annexation attempts by its stronger neighbours. It comprised territories from Frisia in the north to the Kingdom of Italy in the south. After he died in , Lotharingia was partitioned, into Upper and Lower Lotharingia , the latter part comprising the Low Countries that technically became part of East Francia in , although it was effectively under the control of Vikings, who raided the largely defenceless Frisian and Frankish towns lying on the Frisian coast and along the rivers.
  • The Viking raids made the sway of French and German lords in the area weak. Resistance to the Vikings, if any, came from local nobles, who gained in stature as a result, and that laid the basis for the disintegration of Lower Lotharingia into semi-independent states. One of these local nobles was Gerolf of Holland , who assumed lordship in Frisia after he helped to assassinate Godfrid, and Viking rule came to an end.
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  • The key to abbreviations used in legislative histories is now linked to the key icon on the pale blue task bar. List the In one tube you had sodium atoms atomic number 11 , in another one you had chromium atoms atomic number 24 and in the third tube you had mercury atomic number Which test tube would weigh the most? Refer to Figure When he is twelve years old, Beah's village is attacked while he is away performing in a rap group with friends. Italy's Advantages: 1. Where did the Renaissance begin? German princes were granted the power to decide the religion of their states in the Multiple Choice 1. Which of the following best describes the innate nonspecific immune system? This similarity is a result of the relationship between relative keys. We will return to minor-key chord qualities in Chapter 17, when we discuss common alterations made to the natural minor scale.
  • The campaigns were launched by the United States, with support from NATO and other allies, following the September 11 attacks that were carried out by al-Qaeda. Today the term has become mostly associated with Bush administration-led wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Fatalities of coalition troops: 1, to Claims that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction at its disposal were later found to be unproven. Hussein was eventually sentenced to death and hanged on December 30, Arab—Israeli conflict — present Lebanon War summer — took place in southern Lebanon and northern Israel.
  • The principal parties were Hezbollah paramilitary forces and the Israeli military. The war that began as a military operation in response to the abduction of two Israeli reserve soldiers by the Hezbollah gradually strengthened and became a wider confrontation. Israeli—Palestinian conflict Early 20th century — present Second Intifada — — After the signing of the Oslo Accords failed to bring about a Palestinian state , in September , the Second Intifada uprising broke out, a period of intensified Palestinian-Israeli violence, which has been taking place until the present day. As a result of the significant increase of suicide bombing attacks within Israeli population centers during the first years of the Al-Aqsa Intifada , [17] in June Israel began the construction of the West Bank Fence along the Green Line border arguing that the barrier is necessary to protect Israeli civilians from Palestinian terrorism.
  • The significantly reduced number of incidents of suicide bombings from to has been partly attributed to the barrier. The Second Intifada has caused thousands of victims on both sides, both among combatants and among civilians — The death toll, including both military and civilian, is estimated to be 5, Palestinians and over 1, Israelis, as well as 64 foreign citizens. Throughout the conflict, Hamas further intensified its rocket and mortar attacks against Israel, hitting civilian targets and reaching major Israeli cities Beersheba and Ashdod , for the first time. The intense urban warfare in densely populated Gaza combined with the use of massive firepower by the Israeli side [21] and the intensified Hamas rocket attacks towards populated Israeli civilian targets led to a high toll on the Palestinian side and among civilians.
  • The widest interstate war in modern African history , it directly involved nine African nations, as well as about twenty armed groups. Millions more were displaced from their homes or sought asylum in neighboring countries. Both Russia and Georgia were condemned internationally for their actions. The Second Chechen War — — the war was launched by the Russian Federation on August 26, , in response to the invasion of Dagestan and the Russian apartment bombings , which were blamed on the Chechens. During the war, Russian forces largely recaptured the separatist region of Chechnya. The Eritrean—Ethiopian War came to a close in Civil wars and guerrilla wars[ edit ] Irregular combatants in North Darfur.
  • Darfur refugee camp in Chad War in Darfur — — an armed conflict in the Darfur region of western Sudan. One side was composed mainly of the Sudanese military and the Sudanese militia group Janjaweed , recruited mostly from the Afro-Arab Abbala tribes of the northern Rizeigat region in Sudan. Millions of people were displaced from their homes during the conflict. President George W. Bush called the events in Darfur a genocide during his presidency. Mexican drug cartels now dominate the wholesale illicit drug market in the United States. Naxalites are a group of far-left radical communists, supportive of Maoist political sentiment and ideology. It is presently the longest continuously active conflict worldwide. In Prime Minister Manmohan Singh called the Naxalites "The single biggest internal security challenge ever faced by our country. On the same day, Gopal, a top Maoist leader, said the attack was a "direct consequence" of the government's Operation Green Hunt offensive.
  • Since , the Internet has become a new field of battle. More than two million people were displaced from their homes because of the conflict well over one-third of the population many of whom became refugees in neighboring countries. Tens of thousands were killed during the conflict. Over 80, people were killed during the course of the conflict. It began in when tensions rooted in the Pakistani Army's search for al-Qaeda members in Pakistan's mountainous Waziristan area in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas escalated into armed resistance by local tribesmen.
  • The violence has displaced 3. By the time the year conflict was formally brought to an end, an estimated , people had been killed. It began after the Shia Zaidiyyah sect launched an uprising against the Yemeni government. The Yemeni government has accused Iran of directing and financing the insurgency. The war spawned pirates who hijacked hundreds of ships off the coast of Somalia, holding ships and crew for ransom often for months see also Piracy in Somalia. The violence has displaced thousands of people residing in Mogadishu , the nation's capital. The conflict was caused due to the tensions between the foreign oil corporations and a number of the Niger Delta 's minority ethnic groups who felt they were being exploited, particularly the Ogoni and the Ijaw.
  • The competition for oil wealth has led to an endless violence cycle between innumerable ethnic groups , causing the militarization of nearly the entire region that was occupied by militia groups as well as Nigerian military and the forces of the Nigerian Police. Algerian Civil War — — the conflict effectively ended with a government victory, following the surrender of the Islamic Salvation Army and the defeat of the Armed Islamic Group. It is estimated that more than , people were killed during the course of the conflict. Civil war in Chad —present Chadian Civil War — — involved the Movement for Justice and Democracy in Chad MDJT rebels that skirmished periodically with government troops in the Tibesti region , resulting in hundreds of civilian, government, and rebel casualties. Chadian Civil War — — involved Chadian government forces and several Chadian rebel groups. The Government of Chad estimated in January that Chadian citizens had been killed in cross-border raids.
  • Nepalese Civil War — — the conflict ended with a peace agreement was reached between the government and the Maoist party in which it was set that the Maoists would take part in the new government in return for surrendering their weapons to the UN. It is estimated that more than 12, people were killed during the course of the conflict. In early , a different rebel group, the Movement for Democracy in Liberia , emerged in the south. As a result, by June—July , president Charles Taylor 's government controlled only a third of the country. The capital Monrovia was besieged by LURD, and that group's shelling of the city resulted in the deaths of many civilians. Thousands of people were displaced from their homes as a result of the conflict.
  • The conflict has since spread to other neighboring countries. While there have been many phases to the conflict, the most recent armed clashes ran from to , with a low-level conflict continuing until More than 50, people have been killed in the conflict and hundreds of thousands forced from their homes. The violence has displaced around 10, civilians and has led to hundreds of civilians being killed. Civil war in Afghanistan — — an armed conflict that continued after the capture of Kabul by the Taliban , in which the formation of the Afghan Northern Alliance attempted to oust the Taliban. It proved largely unsuccessful, as the Taliban continued to make gains and eliminated much of the Alliance's leadership.
  • Beginning around in Italy, though, Europe experienced a dramatic intellectual movement called the Renaissance, which emphasized the resurgence of science and culture through classical influences. It set a new direction for art, architecture, music, literature, scientific discovery, and world exploration. Philosophy was also a beneficiary to this period of renewal.
  • Historians mark the close of the Renaissance at around when it blossomed into a succession of other movements. In philosophy, the stage that follows on the heels of the Renaissance is called the modern period, a term that philosophers of the time used to describe themselves in contrast to ancient times. In this chapter we will explore some of the major themes and thinkers in Renaissance and early modern philosophy.
  • The main emphasis of humanism was secular education using Greek and Latin classics, many newly rediscovered, rather than medieval sources. Scholars during the Middle Ages had also drawn from classical Greek and Roman sources, but their larger aim was to use these ancient writers to bolster Christian theology, and they either ignored or criticized classics that were inherently in conflict with theology. Renaissance thinkers, by contrast, appreciated the full spectrum of ancient writers in and of themselves, irrespective of their application to theology. There were five traditional subjects in humanities education, namely, grammar, rhetoric, poetry, history, and moral philosophy. The most significant impact humanism had on philosophy was the revived study of ancient Greek philosophical schools, thanks to the publication of new editions and translations of classical texts. The invention of the printing press during this time made these books much more available to readers, and the influence of classical philosophy spread like wildfire.
  • Humanistic philosophers latched onto the earlier schools of Greek philosophy, almost as though they were pretending that the middle ages never existed. They variously associated themselves with Platonism, Aristotelianism, Epicureanism, Stoicism, or Skepticism, interpreting the classical texts and expanding on them. We will look at four representative humanist thinkers here. Petrarch: Stoicism and the Cure for the Whims of Fortune Petrarch is often credited with being the father of Renaissance humanism. He is best remembered as a lyric poet who invented the sonnet, and in philosophy as a proponent of Stoic ethics. Francesco Petrarca, better known in the English world as Petrarch, was born near Florence, son of a Merchant. He studied law but, following the death of his father, abandoned it because he felt that dishonest lawyers degraded the profession.
  • He then became a diplomat for the Catholic church, which enabled him to travel widely throughout Europe. At age 22, while attending Church in France, he met a young woman named Laura. While they never became involved, probably because she was married, his infatuation with her was so great that for the next 40 years he composed love poems to her, which brought him lasting fame. At age 36 he was crowned poet laureate of Rome. The oration that he delivered at the ceremony is considered the first manifesto of the Renaissance because of the praise that he showers upon the ancient Roman poets.
  • Petrarch composed several epic poems, the style of which helped shape the modern Italian language. He died in his home at age 70 at his writing desk. Ancient Stoics held that we should avoid desiring things that we might ordinarily cherish, such as wealth, a good job, or a loving family, since obtaining them is so unpredictable.
  • Instead, we should simply resign ourselves to what fate has in store for us. By desiring these things and fearing their loss, Petrarch argues, we risk being emotionally tossed around and beaten down like fragile weeds. His principal work of Stoicism is a dialogue titled Remedies of Good and Bad Fortune , which he published at age The villain of the book is the goddess Fortune, who is commonly depicted as turning a giant wheel that randomly determines our fate. Sometimes the wheel turns out in our favor where we may be in good health and financially successful, but other times everything goes wrong for us. In one dialogue, Despair complains that Fortune has made him poor and broken his spirit. Reason then responds that poverty indeed breaks the spirit of the proud, but not that of the humble.
  • On the plus side, Reason continues, poverty protects you from thieves since you have nothing worth stealing, and, even better, it protects you from the pleasures of extravagance and luxury that are worse than thieves. For, in the houses of the poor, there is no place for pride or envy, there is no fear of loss or trickery. Instead, there is tranquility and virtue. Despair then insists that shabby clothes and lack of food are certainly discomforts for poor people. Reason responds that, while a person with vices is not pleased with anything that he receives, the virtuous person is pleased when receiving small things. Thus, in another dialogue Joy boasts that Fortune has been good to him because he was born free rather than as a slave. But Reason instantly warns Joy that so many aristocrats in his own time have been thrown out of the court into prison, and kings themselves have been made slaves. Further, says Reason, consider how many powerful masters we have of our minds, which stand like enemies hidden within us waging war.
  • For small benefits we sell our souls to indulgence, and become chained to the worst pleasures. If you would be wise, just, modest, patient, courageous, or godly, then you are truly free. Born into an aristocratic family in northern Italy, his mother put him on an educational fast track for a career in the Church. Upon her death, though, he abandoned that goal and turned to philosophy, traveling widely and studying a diverse range of thinkers, including those of ancient Greece, Judaism, Islam, and Zoroastrianism. Drawing on his extensive background, he derived these principles from a variety of philosophical and religious traditions. He died of poisoning while still in his early thirties. On this view, there is a spectrum of existing things, from the lowest level of raw matter up to the highest level of God himself.
  • Between the two extremes of raw matter and God, there are a variety of intermediary steps. In the following, he describes three basic levels of existence beneath God: the realm of the angels, then rational creatures with physical bodies, then physical bodies with no rational element. He explains this hierarchical chain here: Platonists distinguish created things into three degrees. The first includes physical and visible things, such as the sky, the elements, and everything made from them. Between these is a middle nature, which though nonphysical, invisible, and immortal, they nevertheless move bodies, as is necessary for their function.
  • They are ruled by the angels, yet are rulers of bodies. Above all of these is God himself, the author and principle of every creature, and in him divinity has a causal existence. It is from him that divinity proceeds to the angels in their formal existence, and from there divinity is derived into rational souls through participation in their luster. Below that nature nothing can assume the title of the divine. This is much like how for Plato and Plotinus perfection begins with the Good, descends to the lower forms, then finally to physical things that participate in them.
  • Drawing on this conception of the great chain of being, we might ask where humans fit into the hierarchy? Pico answers this in his most famous work An Oration on Human Dignity , which he composed to accompany his public defense of the Theses. According to Pico, God did not assign humans any particular spot in the great chain of being. He gave animated souls to the celestial spheres. In the following he describes how God might have instructed Adam, the first human being, to use his freedom to choose his own destiny: I have given you, Adam, neither a fixed place nor a fixed form of your own. You may possess any place or any form as you desire.
  • The laws ordained by me establish a limited nature for all other creatures. In accord with your free will, your destiny is in your own hands and you are confined to no bounds. You will fix the limits of your nature yourself. I have made you neither heavenly nor earthly, neither mortal nor immortal. You may freely and honorably mold, make, and sculpt yourself into any shape you prefer. In this way, he typifies a classically-influenced optimism about the human capacity and what humans can hope to achieve if we exercise our highest desire. More: Epicureanism and the Pursuit of Unselfish Pleasure Thomas More — is best remembered in philosophy for his book Utopia, and its description of a remote and idealized society.
  • More was an English lawyer, statesman and, at the height of his career, Lord Chancellor under Henry VIII of England, one of the highest governmental positions which involved advising the King. A devout Catholic who instigated the persecution of protestant reformers, More alienated himself from Henry by refusing to sign a document that would make the King the supreme head of the Church of England. For this he was found guilty of high treason and decapitated. Originally written in Latin, the work first appeared in English translation 16 years after his death. Utopia is a fictitious account of an unusually happy and well-organized society on the island of Utopia. In a section of the work on the moral values of the Utopians, More describes how they hold to the view that pleasure constitutes the main part of human happiness. It is precisely this moderate pursuit of pleasure that the Utopians follow. During the middle ages, Epicureanism developed a bad reputation for being selfish, animalistic and godless, but More rejects each of these three characterizations of the ethics of pleasure.
  • First, against Epicureanism being selfish, he maintains that the ethics of pleasure focuses both on others and oneself. We are naturally designed to live in society and to we see ourselves as being on an equal level as others. Second, against Epicureanism being animalistic, More argues that our desire for pleasure is not directed at mere bodily enjoyments, but also includes mental ones. More especially ridicules those who desire pleasures of the upper class. For More, these are all false notions of pleasure that we should reject for a purer kind. Third, against Epicureanism being godless, More attempts to link the pursuit of pleasure with religion. It thus makes no sense for us to reject pleasures since we desire heaven precisely because of the happiness we expect to find there.

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